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OS (Text) -- 12

A mind (nous) which does not neglect its own secret labour will, together with the remaining goods from an unbroken labour of the guard, also find that the five senses of the body are idle from the evils without. Attending completely to its own familiar virtue and sobriety and wishing to revel completely in the good mental representations, it does not forbear to be stolen by means of the five senses, there coming to it thoughts (logismoi) which are both material and vain; but, knowing their deceptive nature, it contracts them for the most part within itself.

54 Remain in the intellect (dianoia) and you will not toil in temptations. Departing from there, endure patiently what comes upon [you].

55 Just as bitter absinthe benefits those who have a bad appetite, thus it profits those who have evil ways to suffer evil.

56 If you do not want to suffer evil, neither want to do evil, because the latter unchangeably follows the former. ‘For what each one sows, that also will he reap.’ [Gal. 6, 7.] Therefore, voluntarily sowing, and involuntarily reaping, what is mean, we are obliged to marvel at the justice of God.

57 The mind (nous) is made utterly blind by these three passions: avarice, I say, vainglory and pleasure.

58 Gnosis and faith, the comrades of our nature, on account of nothing else than on account of those have been blunted.

59 Temper and anger and wars and murders and the whole catalogue of remaining evils on account of those have prevailed exceedingly among men.

60 He who does not know the truth neither is able to believe truly. For according to nature, gnosis precedes faith. Those things which have been said in Scripture have been said not so that we understand them only, but so that we do them.

61 Let us therefore begin the work. For thus progressing in an orderly way, we will find that hope in God and certain faith and inner gnosis and redemption from temptations and gifts of charisms and confession from the heart and prolonged tears are gained by the faithful by means of prayer (proseuche), and not only these things, then, but also patient endurance in the afflictions which come upon [us] and sincere forgiveness of the neighbour and full knowledge of the spiritual law and finding of the justice of God and the descent of the Holy Spirit and the giving of spiritual treasures and all things, as many as God promised to provide to faithful men both here and in the Age to come. And, in general, it is impossible for the soul to appear according to the image of God, if not by means of the charism of God and of the faith of the man who remains in the intellect (dianoia) with much humility and unwavering prayer (proseuche).

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