Alphabetic Osiou Hesychiou tou Sinaitou (St Hesychios the Sinaite). 24 Neptika Kephalaia Kata Akrostichida (24 Chapters Concerning Sobriety in the Form of an Acrostic). Critical Edition by M. Waegeman published as ‘Les 24 chapitres “De temperantia et virtute” d’Hésychius le Sinaïte. Édition critique.’ In: Sacra Erudiri (Steenbrugge), 1977, pp. 195–285. The author graciously donated a photocopy of his autograph manuscript to the library of the Monastery of Simonos Petra.
Anthony Athanase d’Alexandrie (St Athanasios of Alexandria). Vie d’Antoine (Life of Anthony). Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par G. J. M. Bartelink. In Sources chrétiennes, No 400. 1994. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.
Azovkin Azovkin, Paisy. 2000. The Spirituality of St Hesychios of Sinai. Unpublished D.Phil thesis,
Basil Basileios o Megas (St Basil the Great). Asketika, A’ (Ascetical Works, I). Introduction, text, translation and notes by K. Karakole. Volume 8 in the sub-series: Basileiou Kaesareias tou Megalou, Apanta ta Erga. General series: Hellenes Pateres tes Ekklesias. 1973. Thessalonika, Greece: Paterikai Ekdoseis ‘Gregorios ho Palamas’.
BMFD Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founder's Typika and Testaments. Edited by John Thomas and Angela Constantinides Hero with the assistance of Giles Constable. Translated by Robert Allison, Anastasius Bandy, George Dennis…. In five volumes. In the series Dumbarton Oaks Studies, No 35. 2000. Washington, DC, USA: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. See also:
Brenton The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English. Translated by Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton. 1851. London, England: Samuel Bagster & Sons. Eighth reprint by Zondervan, 1980. Grand Rapids, MI, USA 49506: Zondervan Publishing House of the Zondervan Corporation.
Cassian C Jean Cassien. Conférences (Conferences). Introduction, texte latin, traduction et notes par Dom E. Pichery. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 42, 54, 64. 1955, 1958, 1959. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf. For an English translation, see: The Conferences Of John Cassian. Translation and notes by Edgar C. S. Gibson. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series, Volume 11. New York, 1894. To be found at the Web address:
Cassian I Jean Cassien. Institutions Cénobitiques (Cœnobitical Institutions). Texte latin revu. Introduction, traduction et notes par Jean-Claude Guy, s.j. In Sources chrétiennes, No 109. 1965. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf. For an English translation, see: The Conferences Of John Cassian. Translation and notes by Edgar C. S. Gibson. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series, Volume 11. New York, 1894. To be found at the Web address:
Charalambos Iosiph Monachos Dionusiates (Monk Joseph of the Monastery of Dionysiou). 2002. Hieromonachos Charalampos Dionusiates, O didaskalos tes noeras proseuches (Hieromonk Charalambos of the Monastery of Dionysiou, The Teacher of Mental Prayer). A’ Ekdosis. No place or publisher given, but taken to be: Mount Athos, Greece: Holy Monastery of Dionysiou.
Chr–Rom G St John Chrysostom. Hupomnema eis ten pros Romaious Epistole (Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans). In the original Greek with facing translation into modern Greek. In Hellenes Pateres tes Ekklesias, Volumes 71 and 75 (Volumes 16B and 17 of the sub-series of the collected works of St John Chrysostom). 1984 and 1985. Thessalonika, Greece: Paterikai Ekdoseis ‘Gregorios ho Palamas’.
Diadochos Diadoche de Photicé (Diadochos of Photike). Œuvres spirituelles (Spiritual Works). Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de Édouard des Places, s.j. (Introduction, critical text, translation and notes by Édouard des Places, SJ). 1966. In Sources chrétiennes, No 5 ter. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.
Encyclopedia Edwards, Paul, Editor in Chief. 1967. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 8 Volumes. New York, NY, USA: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. & The Free Press.
Ephraim E Elder Ephraim of Katounakia. Translated by Tessy Vassiliadou-Christodoulou. 1st Edition, 2003. Katounakia, Mount Athos, Greece: H. Hesychasterion “Saint Ephraim”.
Distribution: Bookstore “To Periboli tes Panaghias”
Prasakaki 9
GR 54622 Thessaloniki
Ephraim F Père Joseph de Katounakia. L’Ancien Éphraim de Katounakia. Traduction, notes et glossaire par Yvan Koenig. 2002. In Grands spirituels orthodoxes du xxe siecle. Lausanne, Suisse: L’Age D’Homme.
Ephraim G Hiero Hesuchasterio ‘Hagios Ephraim’ (Sacred Hermitage ‘St Ephraim’). 2000. Gerontas Ephraim Katounakiotes (Elder Ephraim of Katounakia). Thessalonika, Greece: Ekdoseis ‘To Periboli tes Panaghias’.
Euchologion Euchologion to Mega (The Great Priest’s Book of Prayers). Spoude kai epistasia Spuridonos Zerbou Hieromonachou (Edited by Spyridon Zerbos, Hieromonk). 4e Ekdosis. 1992. Athens, Greece: Ekdotikos Oikos ‘Aster’ Al. & E. Papademetriou.
Fennell Fennell, Nicholas. 2001. The Russians on Athos. Oxford, UK; Bern, Switzerland; etc.: Peter Lang AG, European Academic Publishers.
Gnostic E Evagrius Pontikos. The Gnostic. English translation from the Greek and French of Gnostic G by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). As Appendix 1 of The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.
Gnostic G Évagre Le Pontique. Le Gnostic ou A celui qui est devenu digne de la science (The Gnostic or To Him Who Has Become Worthy of Gnosis). Édition critique des fragments grecs. Traduction intégrale établie au moyen des versions syriaques et arménienne. Commentaire et tables. (Critical Edition of the Greek Fragments. Complete translation established by means of the Syriac and Armenian versions. Commentary and Tables.) Antoine Guillaumont and Claire Guillaumont. In Sources Chrétiennes, No 356. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.
Isaac St Isaac the Syrian. The Ascetical Homilies of St Isaac the Syrian. Translated by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery. 1984. Boston, MA, USA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery.
Isaiah Tou Osiou Patros Hemon Abba Hesaia (St Abba Isaiah). Logoi KQ’ (Twenty-Nine Homilies). Edited by Augoustinou, Monachou. 1911. Jerusalem: no publisher. Reprinted: 1962. Volo, Greece: ‘Hagioreitikes Bibliothekes’, S. N. Schoina.
Joseph E Elder Joseph. 1999. Elder Joseph the Hesychast. Struggles, Experiences, Teachings. Translated from Modern Greek by Elizabeth Theokritoff. Mount Athos, Greece: Great and Holy Monastery of Vatopedi.
Joseph G Gerontas Iosiph Vatopedinou. 2001. O Gerontas Iosiph O Hesuchastes. Bios – Didaskalia – ‘O dekaphonos salpingx’. 5th Edition. In Psuchophele Vatopedina, Volume I. Aghion Oros, Greece: Hiera Megiste Mone Vatopediou.
KG E Evagrius Pontikos. The Kephalaia Gnostica. English translation from the French of PO 28, 1 by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). As Appendix 2 of The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.
Kirchmeyer Kirchmeyer, Jean, S.J. 1963. ‘Hésychius le Sinaïte et ses centuries’. In: Le millénaire du Mont Athos, 963–1963. Études et Mélanges. 1963. Pp. 319–329. No place: Éditions de Chevtogne.
Ladder E St John Climacus. The Ladder of Divine Ascent. (Translation of Archim. Lazarus Moore.) Revised Edition. 1978. Boston, MA, USA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery.
Ladder G Ioannou tou Sinaitou. Klimax (Ladder). Eisagoge, keimenon, metaphrasis, scholia, pinakes hupo Archim. Ignatios (Introduction, text, translation, notes, tables by Archimandrite Ignatios). Third Edition. 1986. Oropos Attikes, Greece: Ekdoseis Hieras Mones Tou Parakletou.
Letters E Elder Joseph the Hesychast. 1998. Monastic Wisdom. The Letters of Elder Joseph the Hesychast. No translator given. Florence, AZ, USA: St Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery.
Letters G Gerontas Iosiph. 1985. Ekphraseis Monachikes Empeirias. 3e Ekdosis. Aghion Oros, Greece: Ekdoseis Hieras Mones Philotheou.
Mark Marc le moine (St Mark the Ascetic). Traités (Treatises). Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par Georges-Matthieu de Durand, o.p. (Introduction, critical text, translation, notes and index by Georges-Matthieu de Durand, OP). 1999, 2000. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 445, 455. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.
Migne Migne, J. P. Patrologia Graeca.
Nestle-Aland Nestle-Aland. Greek-English New Testament. The 2nd Edition of the Revised Standard Version and the text of the Novum Testamentum Graece, in the tradition of Eberhard Nestle and Erwin Nestle, edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren. The critical apparatuses, prepared and edited together with the Institute for New Testament Textual Research, Münster/Westphalia by Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland. 26th revised edition. 1979. Stuttgart, Germany: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.
NT He Kaine Diatheke. Kata ten ekdosin tou Oikoumenikou Patriarcheiou. 1968. Athens, Greece: Apostolike Diakonia tes Ekklesias tes Hellados.
OED The Oxford English Dictionary. Second Edition. On CD-ROM. Version 3.0. 2002. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
OTT C Evagrius Pontikos. On the Thoughts. Commentary by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). In The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.
OTT E Evagrius Pontikos. On the Thoughts. English version translated from the original Greek by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). In The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.
OTT G Évagre le Pontique. Sur Les Pensées (On the Thoughts). Édition du texte grec. Paul Géhin, Claire Guillaumont and Antoine Guillaumont. 1998. In Sources chrétiennes, No 438. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.
Paisios 4 Gerontas Païsios Hagioreites (Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain). 2002. Logoi D’. Oikogeneiake Zoe. (Discourses 4. Family Life.) Sourote, Thessalonika, Greece: Hieron Hesychasterion ‘Euaggelistes Ioannes ho Theologos’.
Paisios Life †Hieromonachos Isaak (Hieromonk Isaac). 2004. Bios Gerontos Païsiou tou Hagioreitou (Life of Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain). Metamorphosis, Chalkidiki, Greece: Hieron Hesychasterion ‘Hagios Ioannes ho Prodromos’.
Palamas Palamas, St Gregory. Huper ton Hieros Hesuchazonton (In Defence of Those Keeping Stillness in a Holy Manner). Original text. Introduction and text as established by P. K. Chrestou. In Suggramata tou Gregoriou tou Palama, Volume I. 1962. Thessalonika, Greece: No publisher.
Palladius Palladius, Bishop of Helenopolis. E Pros Lauson Historia, E Legomene Lausaïke Historia (The History for Lausos, The So-Called Lausiac History). Original text from Migne (extended version) edited and with facing translation into Modern Greek. No translator given. Under the editorship of E. G. Meretakes. In Philokalia ton Neptikon kai Asketikon, Volume VI. 1996. Thessalonika, Greece: Ekdotikos Oikos Eleutheriou Meretake ‘To Buzantion’ and Paterikai Ekdoseis ‘Gregorios ho Palamas’.
Philokalia D Philokalia ton Hieron Neptikon (Philokalia of the Holy Fathers of Sobriety). Translated into Modern (Demotic) Greek by Anthony G. Galites. Five Volumes. 1984–1988. Thessalonika, Greece: Ekdoseis ‘To Periboli tes Panaghias’.
Philokalia E The Philokalia. The Complete Text compiled by St Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth. Translated from the Greek and edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware with the assistance of others. Five Volumes. 1979–. London, UK: Faber and Faber.
Philokalia F Philocalie des pères neptiques (Philokalia of the Fathers of Sobriety). Introduction par Olivier Clément. Notices, et traduction de Jacques Touraille. Two Volumes. 1995. No place: Desclée de Brouwer, J.-C. Lattès.
Philokalia G Philokalia ton Hieron Neptikon (Philokalia of the Holy Fathers of Sobriety). Ancient Greek text. Fifth Edition. 1982–. Athens, Greece: Ekdotikos Oikos ‘Aster’. Al. & E. Papademetriou.
Pilgrim Anonymous. The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way. Translated from the Russian by R. M. French. Originally published: 2nd Ed., 1954. New York: Harper. Fourth Printing by the Seabury Press, 1972. New York, NY, USA: The Seabury Press. Also: 1991, New York, NY, USA: HarperSanFrancisco, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers.
Plato Platonis Opera (Plato, Works). Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Ioannes Burnet (Edited and provided with brief critical notes by John Burnet). In four volumes. First published 1900. Impression of 1973. In Oxford Classical Texts. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.
PO 28, 1 Guillaumont, Antoine. 1958. Les Six Centuries des “Kephalaia Gnostica” d’Évagre le Pontique. Édition critique de la version syriaque commune et édition d’une nouvelle version syriaque, intégrale, avec une double traduction française. In Patrologia Orientalis, Tome XXVIII–Fascicule 1. Paris, France: Firmin-Didot et Cie.
Porphyrios E Wounded by Love. The Life and the Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios. 2005. English translation by John Raffan of Bios kai Logoi (see Porphyrios G). Limni, Evia, Greece: Denise Harvey (Publisher).
Porphyrios G Gerontos Porphyriou Kausokalybitou (Elder Porphyrios [Baïraktares] of [the Athonite Skete of] Kausokalybia). Bios kai logoi (Life and discourses). B’ Ekdosis (2nd Edition), 2003. Chania, Crete, Greece: Hiera Mone Chrysopeges (Holy Monastery of Chrysopege).
Psalter To Psalterion (The Psalter). 1968. Third Edition, 1981. Athens, Greece: Apostolike Diakonia tes Ekklesias tes Hellados.
Robinson Robinson, N. F. Monasticism in the Orthodox Churches. Being an Introduction to the Study of Modern Hellenic and Slavonic Monachism and the Orthodox Profession Rites, etc. 1916. London, UK: Cope and Fenwick and Milwaukee, WN, USA: Young Churchman Company. Reprinted 1964. New York, NY, USA: American Review of Eastern Orthodoxy.
RSV The Holy Bible. Containing The Old and New Testaments. Revised Standard Version. Old Testament: Revised 1946–1952. New Testament: Second Edition, 1971. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
Sinkewicz Evagrius of Pontus. The Greek Ascetic Corpus. Translation, Introduction, and Commentary by Robert E. Sinkewicz. 2003. In the series Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Silouan (Sakharov), Fr Sophrony. 1991. Saint Silouan the Athonite. Translated from the Russian by Rosemary Edmonds. Tolleshunt Knights by Maldon, Essex, UK: Stavropegic Monastery of St John the Baptist. Also: 1999. Crestwood, New York, USA 10707: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
Stromateis Clement of Alexandria. Stromateis. In Migne, Volumes 8 and 9. Books I, II and V have been published in critical editions in Sources chrétiennes, Nos 30 bis, 38 bis, 278 and 279. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf. An English translation of the Stromateis can be found in the Ante-Nicene Christian Library (Edinburgh, 1882 and 1884).
Symeon Syméon le nouveau théologien. Catéchèses. Introduction, texte critique et notes par Mgr. Basile Krivochéine. Traduction par Joseph Paramelle, s.j. Three Volumes. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 96, 104, 113. 1963, 1964, 1965. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.
TPL C Evagrius Pontikos. Treatise on the Practical Life. Commentary by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). In The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.
TPL E Evagrius Pontikos. Treatise on the Practical Life. English version translated from the original Greek by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). In The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.
TPL G Évagre Le Pontique. Traité pratique ou Le moine (Practical Treatise or The Monk). Tome I. Introduction. Tome II. Édition critique du texte grec… Antoine Guillaumont et Claire Guillaumont. 1971. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 170 & 171. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.
Zagoraios Sumeon Tou Neou Theologou (St Symeon the New Theologian). Ta Euriskomena… (Collected Works). Translated into Demotic Greek by Dionysios Zagoraios. Originally published: Venice, 1789. Reprinted: No date. Athens, Greece: Ch. Spanos and N. Nikas.
Zoe E Palaia Diatheke Kata Tous Ebdomekonta (The Old Testament According to the Seventy—the Septuagint). Seventh Edition, 1973. Athens, Greece: Adelphotes Theologon He ‘Zoe’ (Brotherhood of Theologians, ‘Zoe’).
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